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Thank you for your participation in the Tufts CSDD 2025 Global Site Landscape Study! Your insights as an investigative research site are invaluable to this research on the impact of new executional models on drug development.
The study has received a Not Human Research Subjects determination by the Tufts Institutional Review Board (IRB). You are not required to sign a formal consent document but will still be provided with important information about the research below.
Once you have reviewed the information below, please click next to begin. Please answer the following questions about your site to the best of your availability. We understand that some questions may be more relevant to different roles at the site, so please request information from others if possible. You may use the back button to navigate throughout the survey and come back to a question. If the answer can not be completed, you may leave it blank.
Researchers at the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (Tufts CSDD) is launching a new empirical research initiative focused on the global investigative site landscape. Many new clinical trial execution models have been introduced during the past decade including site staff embedded within clinical care settings, remote sites, retail pharmacies, urgent care facilities, and mobile units going directly into local communities. Plus, many part-time clinical trial sites have left or quit clinical research while Site Management Organizations and Site Networks have raised private equity and scaled. This project aims to provide unique insights that inform how organizations interact with clinical trial sites and various models. It also helps understand the strategic and structural growth of new trial sites and partnerships in bringing trials directly to local communities, thus impacting the global clinical trial site landscape.
Your Participation
Your participation in this online survey is completely voluntary. You have the right to choose not to participate. You can also choose to start your participation, skip a question, or stop at any time by closing your browser. Data collected up until that point may be used for this research or future research. The survey takes approximately 20-25 minutes to complete.
Benefits and Compensation
In appreciation for your participation, you will have the option to enter a raffle to receive a $50 Visa gift card. In addition, you may also receive a summary report of the results of this research by providing an email address at the end of this survey. This summary report may provide insights on the current landscape and practices within the industry. If you are interested in the raffle and report, you will be asked to click on a link that will prompt you to a new form where you may enter the email address. This procedure ensures that answers to the survey are not associated with the email address provided.
Privacy Protection Measures
We prioritize and protect your privacy by ensuring that all responses to this survey are anonymous—this means that answers cannot be associated with any single individual, IP address, email address, or other personal identifier. Additionally, data from survey responses will be grouped together so that any reports or publications of the results will not include individual responses. The data collected in this survey poses minimal to no risk to you, as answers cannot be traced to any single individual. The individuals conducting or monitoring this research may be permitted to access and inspect the raw anonymous data gathered. This includes the Tufts CSDD researchers involved in this study. The anonymous data gathered may be used for future Tufts CSDD research studies without your additional informed consent. The data will be retained for this study for a period of 3 years after study closure but may be used for other Tufts CSDD studies for a period of 2 years thereafter. After that time, the data will be destroyed using standard procedures.
If you have any questions or concerns about the study, please contact the research team by sending an email to
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